
Thursday 4 June 2015

Portobello Market

Hello all, apologies that post number 2 has taken so long. Turns out my life as a London-dwelling young professional is more busy and exciting than I originally thought… This week we are swinging by the world’s largest antiques market on Notting Hill’s Portobello Road.

One of London’s most iconic locations, Portobello Market is about 2 miles long and hosts over 1000 dealers from all over the world, selling fruit and veg, second-hand goods, vintage clothing, and antiques. If you ever want a prime example of “gentrification”, look no further than Portobello Road. From a winding country path called Green Lane and a smallholding known as Porto Bello Farm, it became a “massive slum”, full of cramped terraces built for domestic servants and labourers in the late 18th century, and later a shopping hub for wealthy folks living in Chelsea or Paddington. Nowadays, it attracts a crowd my parents might describe as “hip” and lively pubs and restaurants (and not a few expensive shops) have sprung up to accommodate them.

Saturday is market day. While you may find other vendors open during the week, the hardcore antique hawkers for which the market is famous are strictly Saturday people. It normally gets going around 9am and winds up towards 5pm, but most people suggest you head over early. And they are right… Safe to say we didn’t quite plan this as we could have – we definitely headed over too late in the day (around 4:30) when everything was closing. This certainly helped avoid some of the embarrassing incidents which were present in last week’s post…but not all of them. Case in point, this photo with an enthusiastic gentleman tourist.

Seriously though, learn from our example and go early on in the day. Unless you would like a quieter background for your blog photoshoot, in which case – that was definitely my idea first, copycat… We decided to trundle around some of Notting Hill’s residential streets after the market wound down, covetously studying the terraced houses. Flatographer (that’s “Flatmate/Photographer” for the uninitiated) Number 2 has decided she must marry rich in order to live in such a dream. (No progress was made on this particular occasion, but we’re working on it. Will publish all successes in You’ll be gobsmacked to know that’s not a thing yet…)

Due to Portobello Road’s fame as an antiques’ market, and its burgeoning fame as a hotspot for vintage clothing, I went for a very specific theme for this week’s outfit: things you might find in your grandmother’s attic. (Everyone’s granny has an attic full of jewels, right?) I thought this was a fairly standard outfit, actually, but the appraising/disapproving glances I drew on the Tube would seem to suggest otherwise. What’s wrong London? Never seen a person wear colour before?!

In any case, I went well with the pastel houses and that’s all that matters to me and my sparkly, coordinated life. If you have been to Portobello Market – or are planning to – let me know! What are your favourite stalls? What gems are you hoping to find? Do you have a public toilet of preference? Get in touch, and I will see the rest of you next week!

Portobello Market details

Opening times = Saturdays 9am-5pm
Admission = Free!
Closest Tube stations = Notting Hill Gate or Ladbroke Grove

Skirt - ASOS
Top - ASOS
Cardigan - Monsoon
Shoes - Nine West from Shoeaholics (Get them HERE!)
Necklace - H&M
Earrings - New Look
Sunglasses - Marks & Spencer

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